Commenting on the pressures in social care, Jonathan Griffiths, President of ADSS Cymru, said:
‘We recognise that the whole system is in a challenging place. Recruitment in our sector is a major issue at present. We continue to support our workforce and those looking to enter the profession, to ensure that we have the right conditions, capacity and resources within the system to safeguard vulnerable members of our community.’
‘Maintaining robust safeguarding arrangements is our members’ primary and central duty. During the pandemic, following risk assessment and despite the workforce implications, many staff continued face-to-face work.’
‘Frontline workers are continuing to operate under extreme pressure due to increased demand for services across children and adult social services. Safeguarding and supporting the well-being of children, adults and their families is everybody's business, and it requires a multi-agency and community response. Our workforce must be given full support to protect vulnerable people. ADSS Cymru are committed to continuing to work with Welsh Government and key stakeholders to transform and improve services across the spectrum of social care.’