Domiciliary Care Franchise / Cooperative Model Feasibility Study


Background to the study

Since the autumn in 2022, ADSS Cymru have been working with social care leaders and other key stakeholders to co-create a possible new model for domiciliary care, which is designed to support service users, providers and staff in Wales. We sought the views of providers, care workers and service users and their carers to explore whether the new model could work in practice.

What is the possible new model?

At this stage, the new model is like a menu of proposed benefits, which would be tailored to each service provider to support care to be more sustainable and consistent.  

The core ideas of the model take inspiration from franchise and co-operative ways of working. If feasible, a centralised, not-for-private-profit body, its main purpose being to support and benefit everyone involved, would be established for domiciliary care in Wales.   

Learn more about the feasibility study

The aims of the study are to explore ideas, and possibly present a case for change by proposing a robust new model, but this depends on what the views and experiences shared are.

This study will be submitted to Welsh Government in winter 2023. It will report on whether a franchise / co-operative model for care at home in Wales could be used to support services to be more sustainable and better supported across Wales.

We undertook detailed research into existing models of care at home in Wales to produce a final report that outlines the most appropriate model for implementation. It will assess the practicalities of the proposed concept and the likelihood of its successful implementation and future sustainability. The research and engagement part of this project has ran between October 2022 and October 2023.

The feasibility study was carried out by ADSS Cymru and is supported by Welsh Government Foundational Economy funding.