ADSS Cymru has published the Review of Day Opportunities and Respite/Short Break Services report.

This work was commissioned by Welsh Government’s Social Services and Integration Directorate to assess the extent to which services have been transformed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and its continued impact on the commissioning and delivery of services and those who receive them.

This review includes both opportunities: for example to introduce or accelerate new models of support to meet the changed needs of individuals; and threats: for example reduction in the level of services provided and the effect of these changes on vulnerable users and their families.

It follows an earlier monitoring exercise to assess the impact of the pandemic, which was completed in July 2021.

The report is available to download, along with the Appendices and an Easy Read version.

Easy Read version
  • Author: ADSS Cymru
  • Date: 04/03/2024

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