ADSS Cymru has produced a series of seven advice notes, commissioned by and in collaboration with the Welsh Government, which are designed to help both Regional Partnership Boards (RPBs) and their constituent members, to address some of the technical issues associated with formal partnership arrangements and pooled budgets.


Download each advice note via the following links:


ADSSC-FINAL AN1 - Introduction to Integration.pdf

ADSSC-FINAL AN2 - Policy and Legislation.pdf

ADSSC-FINAL AN3 - Practicalities of Partnership.pdf

ADSSC-FINAL AN4 - Governance.pdf

ADSSC-FINAL AN5 - VAT Considerations.pdf

ADSSC-FINAL AN6 - Charging for Services.pdf

ADSSC-FINAL AN7 - Workforce Arrangements.pdf


  • Author: ADSS Cymru
  • Date: 18/09/2019